
It Was Just a Canon Event Meaning


In storytelling, certain phrases become emblematic of the entire narrative structure. One such phrase that has gained significant traction in recent years is “It was just a canon event.” This phrase has found its way into various forms of media, from movies and TV shows to books and comics. But what does it mean when someone says, “It was just a canon event”? In this blog post, we’ll explore the origins, implications, and significance of this phrase, particularly in the context of storytelling and popular culture. Understanding the meaning of a canon event can enhance your appreciation of the stories you love and provide insight into why certain moments are so impactful.

Defining “Canon” in Storytelling

Before diving into the meaning of “It was just a canon event,” it’s important to understand what “canon” means in the context of storytelling. Canon refers to the official and accepted narrative of a fictional universe. It encompasses the events, characters, and settings that are recognized as part of the core story. When something is considered canon, it is an integral part of the story’s continuity. In contrast, non-canon or “alternate universe” elements may offer different interpretations but do not affect the official storyline. The phrase “It was just a canon event” indicates that the occurrence in question is crucial to the storyline, something that could not be changed without altering the fundamental nature of the narrative.

The Origins of the Phrase “It Was Just a Canon Event”

The phrase “It was just a canon event” has its roots in fan culture, particularly in discussions around comics, movies, and TV shows. As fandom communities grew online, discussions about what events or stories were considered canon became more frequent. The phrase likely evolved as a way to highlight moments in a story that were predetermined or essential, events that could not be altered without disrupting the entire narrative. Over time, “It was just a canon event” became a shorthand for acknowledging these pivotal moments, often accompanied by an understanding that these events, while sometimes tragic or surprising, are necessary for the story’s progression.

Why Canon Events Matter in Storytelling

Canon events are the backbone of any well-crafted story. These events are often the turning points that define the direction of the narrative and the development of characters. When someone refers to something as “just a canon event,” they are acknowledging its inevitability and significance within the story’s framework. For instance, in superhero comics, the death of a mentor or a pivotal battle is often seen as a canon event—something that must happen for the hero to grow. These moments are not just plot devices; they are essential to the characters’ arcs and the story’s overall message. Understanding the meaning behind “It was just a canon event” allows readers and viewers to appreciate the deeper layers of storytelling.

Examples of Canon Events in Popular Culture

To fully grasp the meaning of “It was just a canon event,” it’s helpful to look at examples from popular culture. In the “Spider-Man” comics, the death of Uncle Ben is a classic canon event. This moment is crucial because it shapes Peter Parker’s decision to become Spider-Man, embodying the “with great power comes great responsibility” mantra. Similarly, in the “Star Wars” franchise, the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader is a canon event that has ripple effects throughout the entire saga. These examples illustrate how canon events are pivotal moments that define the course of the narrative and the characters within it.

The Emotional Impact of Canon Events

One of the reasons the phrase “It was just a canon event” resonates with audiences is the emotional weight these moments carry. Canon events often involve significant sacrifices, losses, or revelations that change the course of the story. These moments can be heartbreaking for audiences who have become attached to the characters, but they are also what makes the story compelling and memorable. Understanding that “It was just a canon event” helps fans come to terms with the necessary progression of the story, even if it means saying goodbye to beloved characters or witnessing their downfall. The emotional impact of these events is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to evoke strong reactions.

How Canon Events Shape Character Development

Character development is intrinsically tied to canon events. These moments often force characters to make difficult choices, confront their fears, or reassess their beliefs. When someone says, “It was just a canon event,” they are recognizing that the event was essential for the character’s growth. For example, in the “Harry Potter” series, the death of Dumbledore is a canon event that significantly impacts Harry’s journey. This loss propels Harry to take on greater responsibility and courage, shaping him into the hero he needs to become. Canon events are crucial because they push characters beyond their limits, leading to the development that drives the narrative forward.

The Role of Canon Events in Plot Progression

In addition to shaping characters, canon events are key to the progression of the plot. These events often mark the beginning or end of significant story arcs, setting the stage for what comes next. When a fan says, “It was just a canon event,” they are acknowledging that this moment was necessary to advance the story. For example, in “The Lord of the Rings,” the destruction of the One Ring is a canon event that concludes the central conflict of the story and brings about the end of an era. Without these crucial moments, the story would lack direction and purpose. Canon events are the milestones that guide the plot towards its resolution.

The Connection Between Canon Events and Fan Theories

Canon events often become focal points for fan theories and discussions. Fans love to speculate about what might happen next, and canon events provide a foundation for these theories. When someone refers to “It was just a canon event,” they may be pointing out that a particular moment was always going to happen, regardless of fan speculation. This understanding doesn’t diminish the excitement of theorizing but rather highlights the importance of these events in the overall narrative. For example, in “Game of Thrones,” the Red Wedding was a canon event that shocked fans but was also heavily foreshadowed, leading to countless theories before it occurred.

How Canon Events Influence Subsequent Stories

Canon events not only shape the story in which they occur but also influence subsequent stories within the same universe. When a significant event is deemed canon, it becomes a reference point for future narratives. The phrase “It was just a canon event” suggests that this moment will have lasting repercussions, influencing the direction of future stories. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for example, the snap in “Avengers: Infinity War” is a canon event that dramatically affects the events of “Avengers: Endgame” and beyond. These moments are not isolated incidents but rather integral parts of a larger narrative tapestry.

The Debate Over Canon Events in Fandom

While canon events are often accepted as necessary, they can also be a source of debate within fandoms. Some fans may disagree with how a particular event is handled or its impact on the story. The phrase “It was just a canon event” can sometimes be used to downplay criticism or justify controversial decisions. However, it also serves as a reminder that these events are part of the storytelling process and are intended to serve a larger purpose. The debate over canon events often reflects the passion fans have for the stories they love and their investment in the characters and worlds created by the writers.

The Evolution of Canon Events Over Time

As stories evolve, so too do the canon events within them. What was once considered canon may be reinterpreted or expanded upon in future installments. The phrase “It was just a canon event” may take on new meaning as the story progresses, with new layers of significance added over time. For example, in comic book series that span decades, canon events can be revisited, retconned, or expanded upon, giving them new context and relevance. This evolution keeps the story dynamic and allows for creative exploration, while still honoring the core elements that define the narrative.


The phrase “It was just a canon event” encapsulates the significance of pivotal moments in storytelling. These events are the building blocks of the narrative, shaping characters, driving the plot, and influencing future stories. Understanding the meaning behind canon events allows readers and viewers to appreciate the depth and complexity of the stories they love. Whether you’re a fan of comics, movies, or literature, recognizing the importance of canon events enhances your engagement with the story and deepens your connection to the characters and world they inhabit.


1. What does “It was just a canon event” mean?

“It was just a canon event” refers to a pivotal moment in a story that is essential to the narrative’s progression and cannot be altered without changing the story’s core elements.

2. Why are canon events important in storytelling?

Canon events are crucial because they shape the direction of the plot, develop characters, and provide the foundation for future stories within the same universe.

3. Can a canon event be changed in a story?

While canon events are typically fixed, they can be reinterpreted or expanded upon in future installments, especially in long-running series or reboots.

4. How do canon events impact character development?

Canon events often force characters to confront challenges, make difficult decisions, and grow, which drives their development and the overall narrative.

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